COVID-19 Updates
Effective March-18-20
Due to the recommendations from Horse Council BC and Capri Insurance, the Northern Saddle Club Grounds have been Closed to all activities until further notice.
Horse Council BC Notice:
COVID-19 Statement and Updates
March 17, 2020:
Horse Council BC strongly recommends you keep up to date with information being released by the provincial health authority and apply the safest practice you can to conduct your business. This is an unprecedented time for everyone and erring on the side of caution is prudent and socially responsible. Please read the following notice from CapriCMW:
CapriCMW Insurance Services Ltd. Notice
COVID-19 Bulletin
An open letter to our clients and others who are a part of the equine community.
We are all dealing with the challenges of managing this unprecedented situation. At CapriCMW, we have embraced our shared responsibility to help “flatten the curve” health and Government officials talk about to stem the spread of the virus among our family members, our colleagues and the community at large. …. Read the Full Bulletin