Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Club News

BVX 2020 – Cancelled

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April 24, 2020

Smithers B.C. – The Bulkley Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association regrets to announce the cancellation of the Fall Fair this year, which was scheduled to open on August 27. After careful consideration, the Board of Directors decided it was unfair to seek sponsorship from local businesses and citizens which have been hit so hard by the pandemic. The Fair depends heavily on the always generous sponsorship of our community. The Provincial Health Officer’s recent comments about the PNE also lead the Directors to decide it was not responsible to bring hundreds of volunteers together over the next few months and then bring thousands of attendees to the Fair. COVID-19 spreads easily and quickly through our communities threatening our most vulnerable citizens.

The BVAIA had had to cancel the Fair several times in its 100-year history, but each time the FAIR returned bigger and stronger than ever. We wish everyone good health and we assure you all we will work toward something special for the Fair in 2021.

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