Anyone can join the NSC.
Join the Northern Saddle Club and be part of our vibrant horse community! Become a member today!
► Printable Membership Form
– Payments via eTransfer now available: treasurer@northernsaddleclub.com
RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY forms are now included with the Membership forms.
Member Benefits:
- Full use of the NSC Grounds
- Reduced rates for stabling
- Opportunity to attend monthly meetings
- Volunteer opportunities
- Clinics and seminars
- Educational information
- Attend club functions and activities (trail rides, horse shows, social events, etc)
The Northern Saddle Club currently offers 2 types of memberships:
- Adult
- Junior
The Adult membership is a voting membership. Please refer to the current Membership Form for current rates.
NOTE: A membership with the BC Horse Council (HCBC) is required for both the owner and rider/handler at any NSC sanctioned event.
For additional information about joining the Northern Saddle Club, please Contact our memberships director using the form below:
Contact the Memberships Director: