Friday, September 20, 2024

Stall Rentals

Stall Rental Form

Please download and fill out the above form for renting a stall. The Form MUST be filled out prior to stabling at the grounds.

If you have any questions regarding booking a stall at the NSC grounds, contact our barn manager.

Stabling Rules & Prices

All stall rent must be paid to the barn manager.

The stabling form on the stall door must be fully completed

All stalls must be left clean: or a cleaning fee of $30.00 will be charged

A clean stall is a stall that had been properly banked: and is free of manure and wet shavings.

Any damage must be reported to the Barn Manager (So it can be repaired).

Stall rental fees:

Members pay $15.00 per day
Non-Members pay $20.00 per day
Members pay $50.00 per week

Marked day stalls are on the outside of Barn C, and are free for Members during the day. These stalls must be cleaned right away or this privilege will disappear.

All opened stalls must be reported to the Barn Manager